

Reynold Learoyd Stowers, S.Tr.T.


Google Cloud Partner
Google Cloud Platform
Google Maps Platform
Fire Base.
Google Vertex AI
Bare Metal Solution

OneL Project

I am from the Republic of Indonesia, a lovely country in the far east of the earth. Cloud computing technology is quite popular in this region, and it is transforming into a rapidly expanding new economic ecosystem. However, in terms of introducing cloud computing technology, the primary barriers are distribution method and language. Because our country is made up of thousands of tribes, cultures, and languages.

I'm working on a project called “OneL” to make it easier to give advantages and educate people about cloud computing. OneL (Single Language) On=Inside and eL=Elohim, and this is a prayer. Why? "Cursed are those who rely on themselves rather than on God." In biblical history, people built the Tower of Babel, which was then destroyed by GOD, and humans no longer spoke one language, but several. Language is a part of human life, and communication is crucial. However, language constrains such communication.

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